Buying Old Toys and Vintage Toys

Help from a toy lover

We can help as a toy lover get an understanding of what you have and offer recommendations.  Our network of toy lovers can assist and it can be about helping the toy community.

Toy collection of tin windups and Japanese toys. Vintage toys


We Buy Toy Collections if it Makes Sense.

We also recommend the right course of action for the sometimes dizzying estates loved ones inherit.  At times an outright sale is right.  Sometimes speed is of the essence or privacy.

We Help Categorize your Toy Collection

Sometimes it is dizzying to categorize toys.  Are they very old, newer, reproduction toys or desirable?  You can email us at to start, and we can assist.  Categorization helps one “eat an elephant”, one bite at a time.

We Offer Recommendations for Toy collections.

At other times, we recommend keeping a few items and just letting items go to locals.  Value may not be there to justify shipping of deep effort; but rest assured, it helps to have another opinion.

Other times, we have great recommendations for toy auctions and give professional referrals.  We have a number of auction locations that make a perfect fit for help.  There are often specific reasons for this toy option, so we can discuss this further in person or by email.

We can Fly Out

Let us know if you need in-person consulting.  We offer an option to just get help in person with proper travel arrangements.

We Have a Passion for Old and Vintage Toys


We love old toys, so it is simply a pleasure to see what families have.  We enjoy the toy help and toy research.


Toy Collector* Valuation Help* Buyer* for photos and an introduction.  Include your phone number.

727 777-4206

P.S. We love donations of ephemera and catalogs too!


toy collection case