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Smith Miller Gulf L-Mack Private Label Tandem

Smith Miller Gulf L-Mack Private Label Tandem

Our Smith Miller represents an area we didn’t know well– private labels by the 1950’s maker.  We have a private label Gulf tandem truck to show from the original family.

We expect there to be other labels out there and would like to reach out to our readers for other private label Smith Miller toys.  Please write to us at 

It was made like many of the cast iron toys of the era– just grab an existing toy and overpaint it.  We get the red showing below from a Moblie tandem color, but with a very factory application of orange.  Stickers are era correct and aged, chipped, etc as expected.

The owner received this as a Christmas gift in Dayton, Ohio in 1954.  He was a lucky child and also kept other Smith toys with pride and love.

Smith Miller Gasoline Tandem Truck

It has been a pleasure to share.  Let us know what else is out there and if you have something similar to sell!


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