Old Toy Trucks for Sale

Old Toy Trucks for Sale We have the old toy trucks for sale!  There is a pattern that these work vehicles have a massive following and we happen to love toy trucks too!  Below are some photos to show trucks that we have or have sold recently.  We are always looking to buy or consign…

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Buddy L Toy Trucks for Sale. Buddy L Buying

Buddy L Toy Trucks for Sale. Buddy L Buying Buddy L trucks, and Keystone trucks, and Steelcraft, Kelmet, etc had been at the very top of collectors lists for decades.  Then in the early 2000’s things eroded.  Possibly stock market changes cut spending, possibly mini-recessions, investment issues, deaths; one never knows the largest contributing factor.…

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Toy Collecting- Great Timing and Current Trends

No one normally will shout out about great opportunities, but I’ll let the cat out of the bag– It is a great time to collect toys.  Why now, why more so than in the past?   Well…. timing is everything.     Trend– Timing is Great as Older Collections are being Liquidated. Trendy items are often not the thing to…

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