Tin Toy and toys with thin metal aka Tin

Friends and I have an ongoing discussion on tin toys and metal toys.  What makes a tin toy?  Why are some metal toys pressed steel and yet others known as tin toys?  Aren’t they all the same and is there cross over in the toy terms? My latest line of thinking is this– Tin toys…

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German Tin Train Mystery- Carette Toy?

German Gloria Tin Train Mystery  We have a mystery on our hands.  In fact we have a mystery that may be solved by looking at the hands; the hands of a small instruction sheet.  Help us please! The box and illustration appear to be from the late 19th century.  After speaking with other collectors, we feel…

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Allentown, PA Show and Toy Collecting Fun!

The Allentown, PA toy show was a hit for us!  We had an incredible time meeting new people.  We also enjoyed meeting those we’ve done business with in person!  What a treat. As billed, the show is an old school production where toys are not new goods, but old toys.  Toys that have some dirt and…

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Estate Toys For Sale and Liquidation

Estate Toys for Sale– Visit and Referrals This week has been a great one for reaching out and seeing toy collections. Monday entailed a visit to a bank collector.  On Wednesday I had the privilege and yet somber task of seeing a large toy collection and assisting the estate. We ended up going to the…

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Still Bank Collecting and Road Trip Collectors

Yet another road trip and yet another wonderful toy collector host!  I’m speaking of an absolutely unexpected visit with a Mr. D, a renown still bank collector.  My family vacation up towards the Atlantic coast ended up in a picturesque small town.  In typical fashion I asked around for more toys and if there were…

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Toy Collecting- Great Timing and Current Trends

No one normally will shout out about great opportunities, but I’ll let the cat out of the bag– It is a great time to collect toys.  Why now, why more so than in the past?   Well…. timing is everything.     Trend– Timing is Great as Older Collections are being Liquidated. Trendy items are often not the thing to…

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Chicago Toy Show 2017 Review and Trends

Chicago Toy Show 2017 Review and Trends Fresh from the toy collecting and research field of Chicago, I pause to reflect on a great journey to the Chicago Toy Fair held at the Kane County Fairgrounds.  Most younger toy collectors or distant toy buyers may never have a chance to visit this behemoth in person; but…

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Old Toy Friends and Networking

In the age of Tweets, Likes, captures, snaps, et. al. it is so great to meet collectors in person.  Visits like the one I enjoyed last week make me want to drop the computer in the trash & network with only an old phone, two hands, two eyes, and two feet. This Sunday a vintage car collector invited me…

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