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Antique Toy Definition vs Vintage Toy Vs Modern Toy!

Antique Toy Definition vs Vintage Toy Vs Modern Toy!


We did it!  We have waded into the murky waters of defining true antique toys versus Modern and Vintage Toys.  Enjoy or video where we define Antique Toys and then we give some examples of Vintage and Modern and Antique Toys.

Definition of Antique Toys: To cut to the chase, 100 years is the bar, toys need to be 100 years old to be Antique.   Then vintage has some relativity to “Current and Modern” toys.  Vintage tends to be a loose definition, and vintage toys are no longer produced or the model is no longer produced.  Vintage robots can come from the 1980s or 1990s.  If you are very young, vintage robots could be from 2015 for instance (age and old is relative).

Enjoy this video below for examples of Antique Toys and Vintage and Modern toys!  Video linked below:

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