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Machine Robo Collection aka GoBotsWanted- New Antiques and Hot Collectibles

We see a strong trend to note- The 1980’s “GoBots” and their Japanese counterparts “Machine Robos” are a hot commodity.  Generation X collectors still love these toys and we will have a future hot antique. We placed a collection of them around 2009 and noted some recent strong trends.

If you didn’t know, Gobots were elevated for their American trend setting transforming robot toy designs.  They were then put down for the awkward Gobots TV cartoons.  Cartoon animation was simple, goofy, and had horrendous voices and terrible plot lines.

Historic toy followers will note that these predated the historic “Transformers” toy series.  They were a pinnacle of pocket sized 1980’s robot development, and that they were designed by the famous Popy Toys company of Japan (part of Bandai Toys co.).

Still, the Machine Robo toys had die cast and magnificent designs (for something so small and affordable).  The lineup reached into the 1980’s machinery world for inspiration.  Europeans received a RM branding for robot machines (seen in France and England in bulk).  All iterations of Machine Robot and GoBot toys seem to have transcended and become popular again. 

We would love to help some local collectors and find an MR, aka GoBot, aka Machine Robo Popy toy collection.   Let us know if you have more Machine Robo toys for sale; we are buyers.

So enjoy the photos below and try to help us find others.  Thanks in advance! email with the scoop please.



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